Saturday, January 06, 2007

kinetic asymmetric lattice

derives from the algorithm's 5 pattern if we cease the concaves and put everywhere joints that they can spin in the vertical axis

Friday, January 05, 2007

some more abilities of the form

some thoughts about the realization of the idea

in addition with the two trials i did below:
maybe to combine the stable and the unstable in one pattern

an idea about a portable autonomic shelter

finding material
opposite process
load the elastic material with inflexible panels
leave the convexes-concaves empty-only the elastic fabric=way to create articulation

completely stable by itself

finding material
elastic material
cease the concaves
load the convexes
diarthrosis in every joint

completely unstable by itself

some more algorithms
algorith 7-
not symmetrical,
connecting two patterns in different scale

some more algorithms
algorith 6-
not diagonal but more compicated